The idea for the alliance was created after a group of Grimes citizens formed the Grimes Citizen Visioning Advisory Team. Better communication, an improved and revitalized Main Street, and more community activities were just a few of the issues the team identified in order to improve the quality of life within the City of Grimes.
The team started by listening to a small group of citizens who talked about what they enjoy about Grimes and what they would like for the community's future. The team hosted four groups of citizens, two groups of city staff and a group of high school students.

The group then went on to host two large Community Forums which were open to the general public. From there, the Main Street team conducted a survey during the Summer of 2008 that targeted all business and property owners close to downtown Grimes. Business on Main Street and those within one block of Main Street were surveyed on 14 questions. Fifty percent of all surveys distributed where returned.
The survey results showed that an overwhelming majority of residents and business owners favored creating a downtown development area with a greater identity, beginning with a town center and a name. Based upon feedback from the community and their desire to see something done with Main Street, a Grimes Citizen Visioning Project was developed and the Governors District Alliance was born.